upojzsb's blog

Justice delaied is justice denied.
Dark Mode

Install Seismic Unix on Windows 10

Seismic Unix

Prologue Seismic Unix (SU) is a series of programs used to process seismic data. It’s originally launched on *nix OS’s, however, Microsoft have launched WSL (Windows subsystem Linux) which allows ...

Unable to Install .Net Framework 3.5 in Windows 10


Problem Unable to install .Net Framework in Windows 10 Error Code: 0x80071AB1 Solution Run fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\ in PowerShell Reference

LeetCode 7. Inverse Integer


Problem Easy Problem Inverse Integer Solution (Python) 2021-04-24 Since we want to reverse the integer, an easy way to achieve is to transform integer into string, reverse the string and trans...

LeetCode 1. Two Sum


Preface Since I want to improve my ability to develop the valid and fast solution for some problem, I will study computer algorithms from now on. To verify the result of studying, I will solve Lee...

Codes During Postgraduate

Open source

Seismic Toolbox A series of tools written in python for processing seismic data. GitHub Visualization wigb wigb is a tool for seismic data visualization, which can show multi-trace data trace ...

在 Linux 下使用 Clash

Use Clash under Linux

为什么是 Clash 购买的机场服务提供订阅链接的描述为 Clash for Linux - [ VMess ]: … Clash 在 Linux(Ubuntu) 下的配置 下载 Clash 的二进制文件(或源码,自行编译) 某机场提供的二进制文件 运行下载的二进制文件,会自动下载一个 Country.mmdb 文件, Clash ...

研究生期间阅读过有价值 Blog 的书签

Bookmark during postgraduate

Economics Source Backup Date 中国怎样走出内卷? - 知乎(PS. 原文已删除) backup 2021-1-15 Image Processing Source Backup ...

统计学习方法读书笔记 Ch7 支持向量机(Support Vector Machine)

Statistical learning method study notes Ch7. Support Vector Machine

SVM 模型 SVM 是一种二分类模型。假设训练集中的样本是线性可分的, SVM 的目的是找到一个分类超平面,使得间隔最大化。满足间隔最大化的解是唯一的。 根据模型的复杂程度,SVM可分为线性可分支持向量机、线性支持向量机和非线性支持向量机。 函数间隔和几何间隔 对数据进行预测,该点离分类超平面越远说明本次预测的置信度越高,反之说明置信度低。在分类超平面确定时,可以通过 $ | \o...


Mistake Correction of Elements of Information Theory Chinese Version Second Edition

书籍信息 书名:信息论基础(原书第二版) 原名:Elements of Information Theory, Second Edition 出版社:机械工业出版社 版次:2018年6月第一版第11次印刷 ISBN:978-7-111-22040-4 第二章 P14 (2-72)下方 …如果仅当 $ \lambda = 0 $ 或 $ \lambda = 1 $,上式成...

统计学习方法读书笔记 Ch6 逻辑斯蒂回归与最大熵模型(Logistic Regression and Maximum Entropy Model)

Statistical learning method study notes Ch6. Logistic Regression and Maximum Entropy Model

Logistic 模型 Logistic 回归是一种分类模型,它针对于服从 Logistic 分布的随机变量进行建模。 Logistic 分布 Logistic 分布的分布函数和概率密度函数如下: \[P(X \le x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-(x-\mu)/\gamma}} \\ p(x) = \frac{e^{-(x-\mu)/\gamma}}{\gamma (1...