Install Seismic Unix on Windows 10

Seismic Unix

Posted by UPOJZSB on February 24, 2022
Dark Mode


Seismic Unix (SU) is a series of programs used to process seismic data. It’s originally launched on *nix OS’s, however, Microsoft have launched WSL (Windows subsystem Linux) which allows us to run Linux programs on Windows.

This article records how I install SU on WSL2.



Open Control Panel, find Turn Windows Features On or Off, and enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Restart is needed after OK has been clicked.

After reboot, open Windows Store, login your Microsoft account and install Ubuntu.

X Window

In order to run some programs which will display something via, a X window server will be needed. Here we install VcXsrv as our X server.

VcXsrv should be started before starting WSL environment.

Launch XLaunch to config VcXsrv. It’s worth to notice that Disable access control should be enabled, otherwise Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified error will occur.

To send graphics to VcXsrv, some modification should be made under WSL. Add following command to the file like .zshrc or .bashrc

export hostip=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf |grep -oP '(?<=nameserver\ ).*')
export DISPLAY=$hostip:0

If you use WSL1, use following command instead:

export DISPLAY=:0

After finished steps above, restart your WSL by the following command under PowerShell:

wsl --shutdown

Then, install x11-apps and run xeyes to test if steps above is correctly finished.

sudo apt install x11-apps
xeyes &

A window with a pair of eyes should occur.


Set some environment variables. Add following commands to your profile like .zshrc or .bashrc.

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

Get SU files from Here we download cwp_su_all_44R23.tgz.

Copy the file to $HOME and unzip it by:

mv /mnt/c/Users/lzhao/Downloads/cwp_su_all_44R23.tgz ~
tar xvf cwp_su_all_44R23.tgz

Use the correct Makefile.config file by

cd src
mv Makefile.config Makefile.config.old
cp ./configs/Makefile.config_Linux_x86_64 ./Makefile.config

Install required development packages by:

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install gfortran
sudo apt install libx11-dev
sudo apt install libxt-dev
sudo apt install freeglut3-dev
sudo apt install libxmu-dev libxi-dev
sudo apt install libc6
sudo apt install libuil4
sudo apt install x11proto-print-dev
sudo apt install libmotif-dev

There is some mistake in the Makefile, correct it by:

sed -i 's/44R18/44R23/g' Makefile

Install SU by:

make install
make xtinstall
make finstall

# Optional
make mglinstall
make utils
make xminstall
make sfinstall

One last check:

suplane | suximage title="test"


Reference 1

Reference 2